Blue Nose Productions BBS
This is a mini-intro entirely created by Void for our Dutch friends and BBS headquarters in The Netherlands.
Here’s where you’ll find all our stuff from the old days on the Amiga to the multi-platform Reality Adlib Tracker of today.
Some months back we got a nice email from a guy thanking us for RAD, the FM/Adlib tracker we made back in 1995. Realising that there were quite a few people out there still using it, we thought it about time we released a new version - 23 years later!
This is a mini-intro entirely created by Void for our Dutch friends and BBS headquarters in The Netherlands.
The second of our intros promoting the never-released Scoop diskmag. All code, graphics, and music by Void.
At the start of 1995 we had the great idea of producing a diskmag for the scene. Scoop never made it to release, but we still managed to talk about it a lot as this intro proves!
This intro for the Mindflux BBS (our Australian HQ) featured a moving voxel landscape, some cool graphics by Myth and a nice RAD tune by Void.
One of our more fun productions to make, this was a good group effort during a get-together one Easter at Shayde's place in New Zealand.
This simple starfield intro was created to introduce one of our new coders at the time, it also features one of Void's more popular RAD tunes.
After leaving the Amiga, there was still some 'scene' left in us so we decided to join the PC DOS demo scene and released this, our first PC intro.
Inspired by ‘Hardwired’ by The Silents, we break their record for number of faces on a glenz vector - and throw in a few other effects for good measure.
We made a lot of friends in our first year and so we decided to throw a party. We made this invitation intro to get the message out.
Our first full length demo produced on the Commodore Amiga, to celebrate the formation of the group.
Our first ever production, this useful little 'hack' made it possible to create a colourful sine-scroller in the Amiga's commandline interface, a place usually reserved for boring ascii graphics.
You can download Reality’s demoscene and music releases, including all versions of the Reality Adlib Tracker and our collection of RAD songs from our public file system.